Fractured Mad-lib for Goldilocks
Marilyn A. Kinsella
Directions: It is best to have someone assigned to write down the suggestions on a separate piece of paper. Take down more than one answer, so you can choose the funniest. The workshop leader and the scribe should have a list of the following questions:
1. Name an Exercise __________________________________________
2. Name something you find on the outside of a house ____________________________
3. Name of a wild Animal ___________________________________________
4. Name of an unusual cooked food _____________________________________
5. Name two unusual pieces of furniture: a.___________________________________
6. Name a type of metal ________________________________________
7. Synonym for HOT______________________________
8. Synonym for COLD____________________________
9. Words that mean JUST RIGHT ____________________________
10. A type of building _________________________________
11. List three unusual places in a house a____________________________________
12. Synonym for HARD ______________________________________
13. Synonym for SOFT_____________________________________
While the workshop leader is filling in the blanks, have the group take a break. Fill in the answers (about 5 minutes) Then read the story....
6.____________________locks and the Three 3.___________________
Once upon a time there were three 3. _____________________. A great big 3._________________, a middle-sized 3. ____________________ and a wee little baby 3.___________________. They decided to go for a walk in the woods to 1._______________________________.
While they were gone, along came a little girl called 6.________________________locks, because she had hair like shiny 6.___________________. She came to their 10.______________________in the woods and knocked on the door. No one was home, so 6.____________________locks went inside.
She was so hungry, so she went into the 11a. ___________________________ and saw some 4.___________________________. A great big bowl of 4.__________________ and middle-size bowl of 4. ___________________________ and a wee, litte baby bowl of 4._______________________. She tried the big bowl. It was too 7.___________________________. She tried the middle-size bowl. It was too 8.__________________. She tried the wee, baby bowl and it was 9._________________________.
She went into the 11b ________________________ where she saw three 5a. _______________________________. A great big
5a. ______________________. A middle-size 5a. ______________________ and a wee, little baby 5a. _______________________________.. She tried the great big 5a. __________________. It was too 12. ______________________. She tried the middle-size 5a. _________________________. It was too 13._____________________. She tried the wee, little baby 5a.______________________ and it was 9. _______________________________. She sat in it till it fell to pieces.
Now she was tired so she went into the 11c._________________________________ where she saw three 5b. _________________________. A great big 5b._______________. A middle-size 5b._______________________ an a wee, little baby 5b._______________________. She tried the great big 5b.__________________. It was too 12. _______________________. She tried the middle-size 5b.__________________. It was too 13.__________________. She tried the wee, little baby 5b.____________________________ and it was 9. ________________________________. So, she fell sound asleep.
A little while later the three 3.____________________family came home. Papa 3._________________ said, "Somebody's been eating my 4._____________________!" Momma 3._________________________ said, "Somebody's been eating my 4.________________________________!" And wee, little baby 3.________________ said, "Somebody's been eating my 4. _________________________ and ate it all up!"
The went into the 11b____________________________. Papa 3.___________________ said, "Somebody's been sitting in my 5a ____________________!" Momma 3._____________said, "Somebody's been sitting in my 5a_______________________!" And, the wee, little baby 3. _____________________ said, "Somebody's been sitting in my 5a_____________________________, and broke it all to pieces!"
They were so tired that they went up to the 11c._____________________________. Papa 3.______________________ said, "Somebody's been sleeping in my 5b_____________________!" Momma 3.___________________ said, "Somebody's been sleeping in my 5b_______________________!" And the wee, little baby 3._________________ said, "Somebody's been sleeping in my 5b__________________________ and here she is!"
With that 6. ___________________locks woke up. When she saw three angry 3._________________________ looking at her, she jumped out the window and landed in the 2. ___________________________________. And, she was never seen by those three 3._________________________ever again.